

iOS 10+


1. In the Podfile of project add the following line

pod ‘CrypttpFramework’

After line added

pod install

Anywhere (between keys) in Info.plist add the following code.

Probably CFBundleURLTypes key is already exists, then you should add required shcema to array

1. Register crypttp link

2. Register your app link


Signup at Dashboard

Navigate to Settings/Wallet App


In addition this configuration will help us promote your wallet app.

Every user that has no wallet installed while paying at Crypttp merchants will be redirected to a special page where user can find featured wallets

4. Register first install handler

Get your merchant id in dashboard

let launchedBefore = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "launchedBefore")
if !launchedBefore  {
    if let url = URL(string: "<your merchant id>") {, options: [:])

    UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "launchedBefore")



SDK methods are called through the Crypttp class.

guard let params = Crypttp.shared.parseCrypttpDeeplink(url: incomingURL) {
    return false

returned value

public struct CrypttpTransactions {
    let transactionId: String
    let transactions: [CrypttpTransactionInfo]

public struct CrypttpTransactionInfo {
    let coin: String
    let amount: String
    let to: String
    let payload: String
    let memo: String
    let onSuccessUrl: String
    let onFailureUrl: String


In your successfull transaction handler add the following code:

Crypttp.shared.sendTransactionHash(transactionId:"id", transactionHash:"hash", success: {
}) { error in
    print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

This method help us track paid transactions and provide statistics to our merchants.

Which in turn helps attract new merchants.


After step 2. add code to return user to the webpage or app from where user was routed to wallet.

That is important to provide good UX and to let merchant know that transaction was successfully made or failed

// for successfull case
if let url = URL(string: onSuccessUrl) {, options: [:])

// for failed case
if let url = URL(string: onFailureUrl) {, options: [:])